Empower us, by reporting your Chronic Condition

In order to maintain safety of the students, chronic conditions of students should be reported by parents with verification from the doctor. Studies have shown most chronic conditions are not reported and continue to be underreported among school districts (Rivkina, 2014).

teenager friends stacking hands

Barriers to Reporting

There are parenting factors and school factors that contribute to the multiple levels of the lack of reporting and under reporting of chronic conditions within the schools.

Chronic Condition Reporting Steps

Chronic Condition Reporting Steps

Most Common Chronic Conditions in School

Asthma treatment


Asthma is a chronic condition that involves the lungs. The airways become inflamed, swollen, and extra mucus, resulting in difficulty breathing.

allergic products

Food Allergies

Food allergies are growing rapidly and a major concern in schools. An allergy is when the body has an immune response after eating a certain food.

School Health Services Model

Effective Collaboration

Parents and the school need to continue collaboration and affective communication to support students with chronic conditions to maintain safety and optimal health. A whole school approach will assist in achieving this initiative.


Rivkina, V., Tapke, D. E., Cardenas, L. D., Harvey-Gintoft, B., Whyte, S. A., & Gupta, R. S. (2014). Identifying barriers to chronic disease reporting in Chicago public schools: A mixed-methods approach. BMC Public Health, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-1250

Welcome to my Corner!

My name is Tiffany Ward. I am a National Board Certified School Nurse working over 20 yrs. In the Chicago Public School District, serving students from Pre-K through 12th grade.

I graduated from Chicago State University with a Bachelors Science in Nursing and recently obtained a Masters Degree in Health and Wellness Education from American College of Education.

It is my duty to promote better health and provide health education to children and families to be able to maintain a balance of health and wellness.

I created this website for students and parents to bring awareness and increase empowerment in learning the importance of reporting chronic illnesses and management in the school setting.